Down 2 Earth

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Down 2 Earth

Practical living, Alternative life styles, Crafts, Hobbies, Wildlife, self-sufficiency, Camping, Bushcraft, Eco-friendly

    Plaiting cordage


    Posts : 76
    Points : 221
    Join date : 2011-11-05
    Location : Norfolk Broads

    Plaiting cordage Empty Plaiting cordage

    Post  Roy Mon 07 Nov 2011, 1:05 am

    Plaited cordage

    Plaits are quick and easy to make and, with different-coloured strands, highly decorative.
    Plaiting is often the best method of producing cordage from less flexible fibres.
    Make a simple clamping device from a piece of a split stick and your task will become much easier,
    because both of your hands will be free to do the plaiting. Be sure to keep the plaits tight.

    With materials such as willow bark that are best worked damp, place a second clamp at the end
    of the workpiece to allow you to dry the strap under slight tension. Without this, the strap
    will become loose as the fibres shrink.
    This tensioning is a principle to apply to all cordage materials made from damp fibres.

    Plaiting cordage Clampx

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